Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Reason I Ride - MS 150 2009

Riding into Austin after seven hours of heat, wind and hills...I was suddenly energized as I spotted the finish line.  It was just as I had imagined.  A cheering crowd had gathered and was lined on both sides of street.  Theme music played loudly as we rode into the final stretch...I think mine my have been, Michael Jackson's "Bad" (lol).  That's right..."I'm bad, I'm KNOW it!"  It was a rewarding ending to four months of training rides and a 77 mile finish from La Grange.  

My thoughts returned to my family and how much I wished they could have joined me for this moment.  I rode in honor of my Mom who has a rare disease called Mulitple Systems Atrophy (MSA).  We raised $650 towards MS research this year in her honor.  I rode on behalf of those that I was emailed about as well...Charlotte, Angela and Corinne.  They all have lived with MS during some or all of their lives.  As I complained about my sore bum or my aching legs the days following the ride...I stopped and thought about those who would give anything to be able to push their bodies to these limits.  What I choose to do, they struggle to do or cannot do.  I am humbled by the realization of this statement.  

May the video below inspire you to get up and get active!  In the words of Dick and Rick Hoyt, "YOU CAN"!  

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