Friday, September 18, 2009

Good evening! It has been a while since I have blogged due to a CRAZY fall schedule...I am certain I am not the only one about to pull my hair out. And just think...we are close to the holiday season!

I have been thinking a lot about the pressures of life (in general). I tend to create this constant flurry of chaos whether I mean to or not. For those who know me, you will agree that I am probably more "zen" now than I have ever been...still my private moments of utter terror because I have triple booked my day are ever present. Why do we do this to ourselves? Why must life go zipping by at 100 mph only to leave us tired...cranky...and unsatisfied?

I am determined that it doesn't have to be like this. I am making it my personal goal (long and short term) to do deliberate things to lessen my burden, lower my stress and slow down the pace of my days. I read the verse in the bible all the time that says Lord, "please teach us to number our days" I am listening!

I know that we (women) want to live in a liberal, self-defiant, "I can do anything you can do better" daze...but ladies, it's time we wait for someone to open the door for US again (metaphorically speaking of course)! It is time to reclaim our purposeful place as the HEART of the home...and to let (as God intended) the men in our lives be the head. I know what you're thinking..."Lydia, PLEASE! You are a complete control freak." Yes - I am. And that's why it's going to feel so good to JUST LET GO.

Come with me on my journey to self fulfillment's what I did this week to loosen the girdle of life...

1) I strayed from my strict study schedule today and traded tutoring for a Mocha Frappicino at Starbucks.

2) I slept a little later than planned one day and didn't feel guilty or run around like a crazy person trying to shower, dress and eat in 20 minutes (we've all done this). I simple took a deep breath and showed up later than planned for my class...nothing was lost...and sleep and serenity were gained.

3) I traded another shot at an online quiz for quiet time and devotion with God.

4) I turned off the TV and sat in silence for 10 minutes - it was torture...but I think it was good for me :)

5) I ran a little harder than normal during my workout and sweat like a PIG...that always feels good...a literal cleansing of the soul :)

6) I bit my tongue when my husband did something aggravating and just really worked! I got over it right away...and a potential fight was avoided! Hmmmm...could it be that simple (I think not-ha)?

7) I didn't make plans Friday or Saturday night! This frees up my time for my hubby and some much needed catch up for homework.

I hope that each of you will find little ways this week to simplify your, breath. I will keep you updated on my progress (or regression) - here's to making today a peaceful one!




  1. THIS IS GREAT!!! I am happy to hear that you are taking all of these steps to relax and enjoy life. GREAT tips and ideas.
    I miss you xoxox
    your "wife"

  2. Love and miss you too! Thanks for the comment...I have to work it DAILY...believe me. Although not worrying at the end AND beginning of every month does help (lol)...I know you get what I mean :) See you soon my love!

