Tuesday, June 8, 2010

As some of you know, I am now instructing a 5:15 AM Boot Camp in the Galleria area. I know...I could barely make it in at 8:00 AM when I worked at the hotel! :) I will tell you that for those that know me, the one thing they will agree on is that I have changed a lot about my overall "lifestyle" in the last year. Here's some things I do now that allow me to get up for a 5:15 AM Boot Camp, and LIKE IT.

~ SLEEP. I now make sure I get no less than 7-8 hours each night. I was averaging maybe 5 hours a night in my past life. And sometimes this was assisted slumber aided by a couple glasses of pinot. That brings me to my second point...

~ Not Drinking (alcohol) and drinking more WATER. I still have an occasional beer or glass of wine with friends, but it is certainly few and far between these days. I consume about 60 oz. of water each day. I think I've doubled my water intake within the last year!

~ Consistent Exercise 4-5 Days each week. Consistence is key and your body will thank you. Not only do you feel and look better, but internally your body is working better. Your metabolism will more effectively burn calories even while you are not exercising!

~ Making smarter choices at each meal. This one is my weakness. But I have found that you don't have to make an entire overhaul of your routine and pantry all at once. Replace your white breads and pastas with their Whole Wheat versions and you are off to a good start! Carbs are not the enemy by the way. Your choice of carbs is! Buy healthy carbs rich in color - veggies and fruits. Use Olive Oil instead of margarine or butter, snack on almonds and edamame instead of a sugary cereal bar. Buy foods with more protein content than sugars! This is a big one...especially for the quick fix snacks we buy. We also have gone from eating out 4 days a week to eating at home 6 days a week. We still splurge for Mexican Food and other favorites, but we are eating healthier and less by cooking at home most of the week.

~ EAT BREAKFAST. Why are we still skipping the most important meal of the day? OH - and a donut or just a cup of coffee does not count as breakfast. Whole Wheat toast, a Whole Wheat Eggo waffle with low fat cream cheese or honey, oatmeal, fresh fruit, a protein smoothie, eggs, chicken...get my point? Breakfast will kick start your metabolism and you will burn calories more effectively.

~ Scheduling ME time. I still struggle with this one, but I am slowly but surely getting better with this one. You have to take care of YOU before you can do anything for your loved one's or friends. This can be my workout time, a devotional, a book, a pedicure or simply lying still and quiet for 15 minutes after a long day. It is truly refreshing to schedule ME time :)

So, maybe you can get up for 5:15 AM Boot Camp and LIKE IT too! Try some of these and make it your own. Oh, and if you want to schedule my new boot camp as your weekly "ME TIME", you can come by anytime FREE for one session and check it out. Or, do something CRAZY and totally commit to one month - you can register online at the link below. I would love to see you!




1 comment:

  1. My sweet Lydia, what wisdon shown in your recent blog. Thank you for sharing it. Terrie, Robbie and I went out to the Cates's Ranch and Chuck had prepared the most wonderful supper for us. He took us riding all over the ranch in the "mule". I love you so much and thank you for being thee for me these past weeks.
